Striving for authenticity and wholeness.
Beyond Terminal
• Processing Childhood Trauma to Reclaim Self •
At the age of 11, Megan, who had been a top student and athlete, largely loses the ability to walk, talk, read, and write. After seeing several doctors, she is diagnosed with a terminal, neurological disease.
As the weeks turn into months, Megan’s mom, Nancy, questions the veracity of the diagnosis. She researches rare diseases, consults her extensive network, and schedules appointments for Megan with over 100 doctors. During this search, one physician offers an alternative diagnosis and treatment. With nothing else to lose, Megan follows this treatment protocol, and lives longer than expected.
Rehabilitation is slow and hard, but Megan persists, desperate to reclaim her pre-sick identity. When she is accepted to Northwestern University, everyone encourages her to attend this prestigious school, emphasizing that this would make for the true comeback story. Once at NU, Megan severs herself from her “sick” identity, determined to keep the past a secret.
The more Megan tries to suppress the past, the more she dissociates and is reminded of her childhood illness. When she is diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder in her early 30s, she knows she is at a point of reckoning. With the help of a therapist, Megan begins to uncover hidden memories and works on processing her childhood medical trauma to reclaim her whole identity.